Terms of Service

Vue Nashville reserves the right to charge an additional fee for Studio Rental hours before 7:00am and after 11:00pm. 

Please note all prices are subject to change by Vue Nashville.

The signee/rentee in this contract will be referred to as "Client" below.

In order to secure a reservation, the client will provide Vue Nashville with a 100% completed payment, signed Rental 

Contract, and Certificate of Insurance (required for Equipment Rentals) prior to the shoot date.   

Cancelations and rescheduling must be in writing, no less than 72 hours prior to shoot. If Vue Nashville receives no written notice of cancellation, the client shall forfeit their payment. If client cancels their reservation, with less than 24 hours notice, the full invoice for their booking will be charged to the credit card on file.  If the client does not arrive, within 1 hour of their reservation time, the client shall forfeit their reservation. This will be treated the same as a cancelation, with less than 24 hrs notice. If the client requires Vue Nashville to keep a reservation open for more than 1 hour, without attendance, the client must notify Vue Nashville in writing.

The studio rental rate is based on an 10-hour (full day) or a 5-hour (half day). With hourly options available, 1 hr minimum and no half hour bookings.

There is a 15-minute grace period, after which, overtime fees will begin to be charged. The overtime rate is 1.5x the hourly rate. This rate does not include taxes or any additional fees incurred during extended business hours, before 7am or after 11pm. Payment is due in full before or on the studio rental date. If any additional hours are added on to the shoot, that budget will be added on automatically to your total Remaining Balance.

*All clients will be charged tax unless the appropriate exemption forms are provided prior to booking.

**Clients are required to CHECK OUT with Office prior to leaving. A Late Fee will be charged if payment is not made upon the commencement of the booking, amounting to 15% of the amount due. Vue Nashville reserves the right to charge additional fees to Invoices 30 days past due.

Vue Nashville shall not be responsible or liable to Client, or any person claiming, by, through, or under Client, for any loss or damage to any property or business in the premises. Vue Nashville shall not be responsible for any accident or injury, including death, to any of Client’s employees, agents or invitees in or about the Demised Premises. Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Vue Nashville, its officers, directors, partners, employees, and agents of the Demised Premises or any portion thereof, from and against any and all claims, actions, damages, liabilities, losses, costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees.   

The client hereby accepts full responsibility for the replacement costs of any damages or loss incurred during their time in Vue Nashville. The Client agrees to leave the studio in the same condition as it was prior to their rental, and to pay for any injury or damage that may occur directly through their use. Vue Nashville reserves the right to charge the Client a Cleaning Fee if they see fit. All reimbursements must be made within (5) working days after presentation by the Owner, and will be billed to the Client's credit card on file.   

Any deliveries or pick ups before or after the booking must be pre-arranged with Vue Nashville in writing. Additional fees apply.   

Overnight Storage may be pre-arranged at an additional fee.  

This Studio Booking Confirmation and the use of the studio contemplated herein shall be exclusively governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Tennessee. This Studio Booking Confirmation contains the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings whether written or oral. This Studio Booking Confirmation may not be modified or amended except by an agreement in writing executed by both parties 72 hours prior to booking. Vue Nashville does not authorize its agents to sign any 3rd party agreements on it's behalf.